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Glossary of terms

Glossary of terms by letter


Dominant Land

The land which enjoys the benefit of the easement.


Digital Rights Management - a system designed to prevent illegal copying of music

Due Dilligence

An investigation undertaken to assess the strengths and weaknesses of an intellectual property right

Duty of Care

A duty to take reasonable care not to cause physical, psychiatric or economic loss or harm



An interest in land owned by a different party which entitles its holder to a specific use or enjoyment

Effective Date of Termination

This is the date on which an employee's notice of dismissal expires

Either Way Offence

An offence for which the accused may elect the case to be dealt with either summarily by the magistrates or by committal to the Crown Court to be tried by jury

Emergency Protection Order

This is made when a child is deemed to be in immediate danger and may have to be taken away from home quickly

Employers' Liability

A claim for personal injury arising from injuries sustained as a result of employment activities

Employment Appeal Tribunal

This court deals with appeals from Employment Tribunals

Employment Tribunal

Initial court which hears employment law disputes (previously known as Industrial Tribunals)


When a portion of a building, wall or fence extends beyond the land of the owner and intrudes upon that of an adjoining owner


An obligation affecting a property, generally in a negative way

End User

The person who uses a computer program


This is a method of pursuing a civil action after judgment has been made in favour of a party


The final version of a document

Enhanced Disclosure

Some forms of employment require an Enhanced Criminal Record Certificate, which includes information from local police records on minor convictions, cautions and non-conviction information

Entry of Judgment

Decision of the Court in favour of one or other of the parties

Environmental Search

A search which is carried out on the property to check whether there is any record suggesting that the property may be affected by contamination


Equal Pay Act


European Patent Office - the patent granting authority for Europe


In property terms, normally used to describe the difference between the outstanding mortgage and the value of a property


The assets of a person at the time of their death, less any outstanding liabilities


End User Licence Agreement - an agreement which restricts the use of a computer program by the end user

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