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Glossary of terms

Glossary of terms by letter


Fair Dealing

This term refers to a doctrine of limitations and exceptions to copyright - which allows limited copying without permission provided it is fair and the commercial interests of the rights holder are not damaged

Fee Earner

A solicitor who is carrying out specific work


Documents sent to the court for sealing and service

Financial Dispute Resolution (FDR)

This is designed to enable parties to discuss and negotiate a final settlement of the matrimonial assets

First directions appointment (FDA)

This allows a Court to see if any agreement can be reached between the parties or identify any further steps which need to be taken


This refers to a permanently fixed piece of furniture or equipment on a property

Floating Charge

A form of security for a Debt - generally goods or assets rather than property

Force Majeure

An event which cannot be foreseen (eg. lightning) - liability for which is often excluded from contracts


Free and Open Source software - software which is liberally licensed to grant the right of users to study, change, and improve its design through the availability of its source code

Franchise Agreement

This is an agreement for a person or organisation (the Franchisor) who wishes to grant the right to another person or organisation (the Franchisee) to operate an outlet of the Franchise business within a particular territory

Free Software



When one has absolute title on a property


This is proprietary software made available free of charge


An unexpected or unintentional event that makes fulfilment of a contract impossible

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