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Glossary of terms

Glossary of terms by letter


Joint and Several Liability

Where two or more people enter into an obligation together, joint and several liability allows that the lender or creditor to recover debt from any one of them

Joint Tenants

Where people jointly own assets or property. The ownership passes to the survivor on the death of the other party

Joint Venture Agreement

This can be used where two or more existing businesses agree to co-operate and combine their resources with a view to profit


An officer appointed to administer the law and who has authority to hear and try cases in a Court of Law


The final decision of a Court A Judge's final decision

Judicial Review

The review of decisions of lower courts and public bodies by the High Court

Judicial Separation

A decree short of divorce, under which a couple remains legally married but their normal marital obligations cease and they no longer have to go on living together


The area and the matters over which a Court has legal authority


A person who has been summoned by a Court to be a member of the jury


Body of jurors sworn to reach a verdict according to the evidence in a Court

Jury Summons

Order to attend jury service

Justice of the Peace

A lay person who is appointed to administer judicial business in a Magistrates Court


Person under 17 years of age

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