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Glossary of terms

Glossary of terms by letter


Parent Company

A company which owns more than 50% voting rights in another company

Part 36 Offer

This is essentially a settlement offer


Details relevant to a claim


A partnership consists of two or more people formed with the aim of carrying on a business with a view to profit


Any of the participants in a Court action or proceedings

Party Wall

A wall dividing two separate premises - the joint responsibility of both owners

Passing Off

This prevents one person from misrepresenting their goods or services as being the goods and services of another party where this is not actually the case This is when someone tries to sell their products using the name or trade mark of another company, without that company's permission


This is an exclusive right assigned to an inventor which protects their invention from being replicated, user or sold without their permission

Patent Agent

Someone who has the qualifications necessary for representing clients in obtaining patents and acting in all matters and procedures relating to patent law


A person who is deemed incapable of handling their own affairs by reason of mental incapacity


Pay As You Earn - the system whereby employers pay tax on behalf of their employees

Penal Notice

A court warning notifying the recipient that a breach of the order will result in committal to prison

Pension attachment

This allows the Court to make an Order directing Pension Trustees to pay a percentage of the lump sum or pension on maturity to the person named in the Order (previously knoan as earmarking)

Pension sharing

The transfer of a specified amount from one party's pension into a pension scheme of the other party's choosing

Personal Application

Application made to the Court without legal representation

Personal Service

Personal delivery of a claim, summons or notice


A method of commencing divorce proceedings


This is a fraudulent method which aims to acquire sensitive information, such as usernames, passwords and credit card details, by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication


Person issuing a Claim (now known as Claimant)

Planning permission

When the Local Authority approval the building, extension or change of use of a property.


A defendant's reply to a charge put to the by a Court


Documents setting out a claim or defence of parties involved in civil proceedings

Police Protection Order

This is where the police place a child under police protection if they think that the child is in immediate danger.

Possession Proceedings

Legal proceedings by a landlord to recover land or property

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