Are you facing an interview under caution by the Service Police (“SP”) or Defence Serious Crime Unit (“DSCU”) and don’t know what to do? Have you been informed that following an interview you have been charged with an offence and have a Court Martial plea hearing date pending? Or following being ‘no further actioned’ by the RMP, you are now facing an AGAI 67? We can help.
We have experience in:
- Summary Hearings
- Court Martials
- RMP and DSCU interviews
- Discipline offences
- Criminal conduct offences
- Civilian criminal offences
- Army General Administrative Instruction 67 (“AGAI 67”)
Having our main office in the heart of a Garrison, Birkett Long have always shown a commitment to the Armed Forces, especially those based in Colchester, and in February 2022, made a further commitment to the Armed Forces Community by signing the Armed Forces Covenant.
Our military experts fully understand the military justice system and the complexities that surround military life and understand that legal challenges faced by serving personnel can often be different to those in civilian life, and are expertise allows us to help you navigate those complexities.
As well as military law, our criminal defence solicitors are experts in civilian criminal law. This means that if you are interviewed by civilian police or find yourself before a civilian Magistrates or Crown Court, our specialists will be able to assist as they are fully aware of the implications civilian criminal proceedings can have on a person’s military career.
We can offer advice and assistance with both interviews and court proceedings, both military and civilian, on a privately funded basis.

Contact Zoe Hosking
If you want to find out more about the services we can offer, please do not hesitate to contact our military law specialist, Zoe Hosking.

Invited to attend a voluntary interview under caution?
Whether by the by Service Police Civilian Police or have a date set for a hearing in the Court Martial or civilian court, it is in your best interests to seek professional legal advice and representation at the earliest opportunity. At Birkett Long, we will be able to assist you throughout the process and advise you on every step of the proceedings.
Contact Zoe