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Glossary of terms

Glossary of terms by letter


Madrid Protocol

The system which offers a trademark owner the possibility to have his trademark protected in several countries by simply filing one application directly with his own national or regional trademark office


A civil officer with the power to administer and enforce law in a Magistrates Court

Magistrates Court

A Court where criminal proceedings are conducted before Justices of the Peace - who either deal with the case themselves or commit to the Crown Court


A sum of money paid by one party to support the other party

Maintenance pending suit

A maintenance order for a sum of money made before the final order in proceeding

Master of the Rolls

Senior judge of the Civil Division of the Court of Appeal


The process through which separating couples seek to reach an agreement

Memoranda of Understanding

See Heads of Terms

Memorandum of Association

A document which is required to incorporate a UK company

Mens Rea

The intention to commit a crime

Mental Incapacity

The state of being deemed not able to make decisions


This is a combination of two companies to form a new company

Mesne Profits

Sum of money claimed by the owner of property against someone not legally entitled to be in possession

Mining Search

A search undertaken to check whether a property has been affected by any coal mining activities


Someone below 18 years of age


This is where one party to a contract makes a false statement of fact to the other party which is relied upon

MIT License

This is a free software license originating at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)


Reasons submitted in proceedings on behalf of the defendant in order to minimise the sentence

Monopoly Right

This refers to an Intellectual Property Right


The person to whom the mortgage is made.


The person who makes the mortgage


An application by one party to the High Court for an order in their favour

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