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Glossary of terms

Glossary of terms by letter


Trial Window

A period of time within which the case must be listed for trial


A group of people consisting of a chairman, normally a solicitor or barrister, and others who exercise a judicial function to determine matters related to specific interests


Property legally entrusted to someone with instructions to use it on behalf of another person

Trust Instrument

Legal document which creates a Trust


A person who holds or administers property in a trust for someone else



Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977


A binding promise to the Court

Unfair Dismissal

When an employer dismisses an employee without valid or justified reason, or without following the required procedures

Unfair Terms

Contract terms which are deemed unfair by legislation and will not be enforced by the courts

Unspecified Claim

A claim where the amount to be awarded is left to be determined by a Court


Vacant Posession

The contract term that state of a property will have been vacated upon completion of the sale


The decision by a jury as to the guilt of a defendant

Vested Interest

A right to immediate or future entitlement

Vexatious litigant

Someone who regularly brings court cases which have little chance of succeeding

Vicarious Liability

An employer is vicariously liable for negligent acts or omissions by any employee in the course of employment

Vice Chancellor

Senior judge and head of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice


This occurs when an employer comes into conflict with an employee for using their workplace complaints procedures or exercising their legal rights


A contract which cannot be performed or completed at all


Walking possession

A signed agreement by a debtor not to remove goods levied by a bailiff and to allow the bailiff access to inspect the goods, in consideration of which the bailiff leaves the goods in the possession of the debtor

Ward of Court

The title given to a minor who is the subject of a wardship order.

Wardship Order

The order ensures that custody of the minor is held by the Court with everyday care of the minor being carried out by an individual or local authority, with all decisions regarding the upbringing of the minor to be approved by the Court


Software or protected electronic copyrighted material which has been illegally "hacked" and unlocked by software pirates

Warrant of Committal

Method of enforcing an order of the Court whereby the penalty for failing to comply with its terms is imprisonment

Warrant of Delivery

Method of enforcing a judgment for the return of goods or value of the goods by which a bailiff is allowed to recover the goods or their value from the debtor

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