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Glossary of terms

Glossary of terms by letter


Notifiable Offence

An offence considered serious enough to be recorded by the police



A verbal promise by a person with religious beliefs to tell the truth in Court


Holding or possessing premises

Occupation Order

This decides who should live in a home after there has been violence or harassment


Someone convicted of a crime


An offer to contract must be made with the intention to create a legal relationship upon accepance

Official Receiver

A civil servant who manages insolvency proceedings

Official Solicitor

A solicitor or barrister appointed by the Lord Chancellor and working in the Lord Chancellor's Department


Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market - the trademark and industrial designs registry for the internal market of the European Union

On Notice

When the other party is given notice of, and served with, an Application

Open correspondence

Correspondence between solicitors which is not marked "without prejudice"

Open Source Software


Oral Examination

A method of questioning a person under oath before an officer of the Court to obtain details of their financial affairs


A direction by a Courtv

Ordinary Resolution

A resolution passed by a simple majority of members at a company meeting


An order within an injunction to force a person to leave a property

Outsourcing Agreement

This is an agreement designed for a person or organisation (the Service Provider) who intends to take over the provision or production of non-core operations for another person or organisation (the Customer)


Parent Company

A company which owns more than 50% voting rights in another company

Part 36 Offer

This is essentially a settlement offer


Details relevant to a claim


A partnership consists of two or more people formed with the aim of carrying on a business with a view to profit


Any of the participants in a Court action or proceedings

Party Wall

A wall dividing two separate premises - the joint responsibility of both owners

Passing Off

This prevents one person from misrepresenting their goods or services as being the goods and services of another party where this is not actually the case This is when someone tries to sell their products using the name or trade mark of another company, without that company's permission

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