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Glossary of terms

Glossary of terms by letter


Exclusion Clause

Clause in a contract which is intended to exclude one party from liability if a stated circumstance happens


Seizure of debtors goods following non payment of a Court order


An executor (or executrix in the case of a female) is the person (or people) who have been appointed in a will to deal with the testator's affairs after their death

Exemption Clause

Clause in a contract that attempts to restrict the liability of the party that writes it


Item or document referred to in an affidavit or used as evidence during a Court trial or hearing

Expedtion Fee

A fee which can be paid to the Land Registration to speed up registration of a property

Expert Witness

Person employed to give evidence on a subject in which they are qualified or have expertise

Express Terms

Terms and provisions of a contract that are expressly written and on which the parties specifically agree

Extradodinary General Meeting

Any meeting of shareholders which is not an AGM

Extradodinary Resolution

Company resolution that usually does not require any notice of its proposal, but must be passed by a majority of at least three quarters of votes

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