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Gender pay gap reporting guidance updated

6 March 2023
Time to read:
2 mins

Gender pay gap reporting is required by private or public sector employers who have 250 or more employees. The applicable date to check the headcount is 5 April for the private sector and 31 March for the public sector. This is often called the snapshot date for gender pay gap reporting purposes. The required reports must be published by 4 April and 30 March of the following year so the deadline for filing and publishing reports relating to 5 April and 31 March 2022 is looming.

The Government Equalities Office, on 27 February 2023, has published updated guidance (Gender pay gap reporting: guidance for employers - GOV.UK ( The guidance is divided up into 6 sections.

The note at the end of the update says ‘Updates to this guidance We have updated the format of this guidance to make it clearer and simpler, locate it in one place on GOV.UK, remove any unnecessary duplication and repetition’ and, importantly, ‘There have been no changes to factual content’ and ‘The way you work out and report your gender pay gap information is the same’.

If you are grappling with gender pay reporting for 2022 or having to look at it for 2023 or pondering whether you have to look at it for 2023 for your organisation, it is definitely worth looking at the updated and simplified guidance and our top tip for 2023 is get your information together as close to the snapshots date as possible when they are more readily to hand!

We have supported organisations with preparing their gender pay reporting so if you would like to discuss your obligations or receive advice and support please do get in touch. You can contact me on [email protected] or phone me on 01206 217318.

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