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Record breaking £19K raised for Alzheimer's Society!

14 January 2020
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2 mins


Community focused staff at Essex law firm, Birkett Long, have raised over £19,329 for the UK’s leading dementia charity, Alzheimer’s Society.

Each year the firm, which has offices in Colchester, Chelmsford and Basildon, chooses a charity of the year and, for 2017/18, staff were supporting Alzheimer’s Society.

The charity was put forward by a number of staff members who have had to deal first-hand with the distressing progress of the condition with loved ones being affected.

Community fundraiser for Alzheimer’s Society, Mussara Gray, said: “A huge thank you to Birkett Long for uniting against dementia with their fundraising efforts throughout the last year and half, helping to improve the everyday lives of people affected by dementia.

According to Alzheimer’s Society, there are more than 20,000 people living with dementia in Essex. Mussara said: “Every pound raised will help provide information and support, improve care, fund research and create lasting change for people affected by dementia.”

 Birkett Long’s events and fundraising committee planned a full programme of events throughout the year, starting with pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, the firm’s annual quiz, breakfast of bacon rolls and croissants, 5-a-side football, coach trips to Cambridge and London and a children’s Christmas party in December.

Zoe Meredith and Victoria Fenner, both members of the firm’s charity committee, said: “We are extremely proud of our colleagues having raised our highest amount to date.

“A lot of our staff have been personally affected by Alzheimer’s and the charity has offered support and comfort to them. The money raised will really make a difference to families and people affected by the disease within our community.

“We will continue to support the charity, as a number of our staff have become Dementia Friends. We also have our very own resident Dementia Champion, Liz Jones, who will be enrolling new members of staff onto the scheme.

“This year we are hoping to raise the bar whilst raising money for Cancer Research UK, our new charity of the year.”

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