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Blog launches online deposit claim service for tenants

19 May 2016
Time to read:
1 min

An online dispute service has been launched to make it simpler for tenants to make deposit dispute claims., which provides an insurance-backed tenancy deposit protection scheme, has launched the online service. It is the first of its kind.

Eddie Hooker, chief executive of the body, said: "All a tenant needs is access to the internet and a live email address and they can start the process whenever and wherever they like."

Research by has shown that 91 per cent of disputes handled by its independent adjudication service are found in favour of the tenant, with the average payout being £733.

The new web service is intended to assist tenants and landlords by enabling them to upload photos and scanned copies of important documents, such as inventories.

Mr Hooker added: "Although only a tiny fraction of tenancies end in dispute, it is reassuring for tenants to know they now have an even more efficient way to have a dispute resolved."

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