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Losing your job

19 May 2016
Time to read:
1 min

If you have lost your job or are in the process of losing it, you should take steps to understand your rights.  You may be protected against unfair dismissal, wrongful dismissal or unlawful discrimination, or be entitled to a redundancy payment or other contractual rights conferred by your employment contract.

In most cases of dismissal, employees need to have two years’ continuous service in order to claim unfair dismissal.  Exceptions to that rule can be made on the grounds of age, disability, pregnancy and maternity, race/religion/sexual discrimination and other factors such as gender re-assignment.

In some instances, employees can claim for automatic unfair dismissal regardless of their length of service, such as:

  • asserting a statutory right
  • health and safety reasons
  • reasons connected with working time regulations
  • making a protected disclosure
  • in connection with jury service, study leave or training requests, and others.

If you think you may have a claim for unfair dismissal, you may have course to a tribunal.  Contact us for further advice.

Reggie Lloyd
01206 217347
[email protected]

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