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Get your legal affairs in order, by making a will!

6 January 2023
Time to read:
3 mins

Going into the New Year knowing that you are getting your financial affairs in order by executing a will, will give you peace of mind for the rest of the year!

Did you know that 59% of adults in the UK do not have a will?  This equates to over 31 million people, which ultimately means that their property and assets could be left to someone that they do not want to inherit their estate.

Making a will is often a taboo subject and many people avoid thinking about their own mortality, by getting your affairs in order by putting in place the correct legal documents, means that it can take away the emotional and financial pressure for your loved ones when the time comes.

Common misconceptions
  • Common law partners automatically inherit

  •  A will is only needed if you are wealthy or elderly

  • Legal responsibility for children automatically goes to the family

  •  That a spouse will inherit everything

  • Getting married will not affect the provisions in a will

  • Making a will is complicated and expensive

How to make a will?

The best thing to do is talk to a will specialist and find out the best way to protect your assets and your loved ones.  We will advise you on the different types of wills that you can make and whether you need to include a Trust in your will and any estate planning that you should undertake.

We will also address the common misconceptions that clients have and point you in the right direction.

Things to consider?
  • Who you would like to appoint as your Executors

  • If you wish to appoint Guardians for your infant children

  • If you wish to include any funeral wishes

  • Who you would like your estate to pass to

  •  Is there anyone that you do not want your estate to pass to

What happens after a will meeting?

After your meeting with a will specialist, we will send to you a draft of your will for your approval and send to you a letter of explanation detailing what each clause in your will actually means.  Often there is legal jargon in a will, but with our letter of explanation to hand, it will allow you to easily understand the contents of your will!

Once your will has been approved then you can come back into the office to complete the signing procedure.  In this meeting, we will go through your will again with you and comply with the strict signing requirements to ensure that the will is valid.  Once your will has been signed, we will keep the original in our strong room free of charge and send to you a pack enclosing copies of your documents for your information.

The New Year tends to be the time of year when people have the best intentions to get their life admin in order, so why not start the year off in the right direction by putting in place a will? 

Tick it off your admin list and please contact one of our will specialists.  I am based in our Colchester office and can be contacted on 01206 217609 or [email protected]

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