Watch the video below from our webinar held on 25 November 2024.
This webinar was designed for businesses seeking to understand the 'S' of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and how it shapes business strategies.
ESG reporting helps businesses comply with sustainability and corporate responsibility regulations. The social aspect focuses on how a business impacts wider society and workplace culture, a factor growing in importance due to shifting employee attitudes and consumer preferences.
Understanding the 'S' component can significantly contribute to your business's success, attraction, and reputation.
What you will learn:
- An overview of ESG components, with a focus on the Social aspect
- How to navigate and measure social risks
- Steps to take now for implementing social strategies
- Kat Christopoulos, Freelance Sustainability Consultant and Head of ESG at Cloud
- Karen Morovic, Senior Associate Solicitor, Birkett Long