Watch the video below from our webinar held on 11 December 2024.
Our Education, Wills, Trusts & Probate, and Court of Protection and Inheritance Dispute teams joined forces to host a webinar on 'EHCPs and Estate Planning: Protecting the Future of Children with Special Educational Needs'.
It is crucial for families of children with special educational needs to understand the importance of future planning to ensure continued care and support for your child's future through your will.
If you have a child with disabilities, you may wonder how they will be provided for and cared for after your death. For example, leaving a significant amount of money to your child could result in people taking advantage of their funds, or your child may not be able to manage the financial responsibility.
Other important provisions include choosing a guardian or putting trusts or LPAs in place. Without these provisions, your estate may be subject to intestacy rules rather than reflecting your wishes.
What you will learn:
- An overview of SEND law and EHCPs
- How to provide and protect your child in your will, including types of trusts and LPAs
- The importance of choosing a suitable guardian and planning for your child’s future wellbeing

James Pettit
Solicitor, Court of Protection and Inheritance Disputes Team