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Essex law firm delivers to local food banks

17 January 2022
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2 mins

Birkett Long celebrated its 200th anniversary in 2021 and carried out as many random acts of kindness as it could in the local community as part of the celebrations.

There was a collection across the firm’s offices in Colchester, Chelmsford and Basildon for each of their local food banks. With 1 in 5 of the UK population living below the poverty line, the three food banks help local people in crisis and are a part of a nationwide network of food banks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.

Sarah Humphryes, from the firm’s Marketing team, delivered:

18 cartons of long life milk
460 tea bags (11 boxes)
25 bags of rice
8 jars of coffee
6 bottles of juice
8 cartons of long life fruit juice
25 tins of potatoes
25 tins/packets of custard
27 jars of jam
4 jars of honey
11 jars of peanut butter
34 tins of fruit
5 tins of sweetcorn
15 tins of tomatoes
19 bottles of fairy liquid
2 boxes of washing powder capsules
12 tins of beans and peas
6 tins of rice pudding
52 packets of biscuits
12 Christmas chocolate selection packs
9 sweet selection packs
4 packs of jelly
6 tin meals
7 tins of soup
11 packet meals and mash
1 bag of pasta
8 tubs of Christmas chocolates
10 bottles of deodorant
10 bottles of shampoo and conditioner
25 bottles of body wash
44 nappies

A representative from Chelmsford food bank said: “Congratulations on your 200th anniversary and what a lovely idea to do random acts of kindness. Thank you so much for approaching us, we would love to accept donations of general store cupboard items with some Christmassy treats. We really appreciate your support, thank you.”

A representative from Colchester food bank said: "We are very grateful for your AMAZING Christmas donation of 66.6kgs. This will make a BIG difference to local individuals, children and families who face food and financial crisis at this time and will be of great help in the forthcoming months."

Sarah Humphryes, Assistant Marketing Manager at Birkett Long, said: “It was wonderful to see all of our staff across three offices get involved in this firm-wide initiative. Birkett Long is here for good and we are delighted to continue to make a difference to those in our local communities.”

For further press information please contact Jennie Skingsley at Birkett Long on 01206 217605, email: [email protected]

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