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1, 2... Strike off

8 June 2016
Time to read:
1 min

In October 2015, striking off periods were reduced under the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015. 

If there are no objections, then a company can be struck off no less than 2 months (previously 3 months) from the publication of the notification in the Gazette.  

Consequently, this means the time period to object to a company strike off has also been reduced.  All objections must be submitted by the interested party within the 2 month notice period and at least two weeks before its expiry.

Reasons for objecting include the directors not informing all interested parties, that declarations on the company’s application form are false, or that the directors have broken the law, for example they have wrongfully traded, or committed tax fraud. 

Objections must be in writing. Directors can also withdraw applications to strike off if the company trades or otherwise carries on its business, or becomes the subject of insolvency proceedings, for example. 

You can find out if a company has applied to be struck off by searching notices on The Gazette website 

The reduced notice period will be particularly useful for those waiting to acquire a company name, as well as for those who wish to remove any companies from the public register. 

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