LGBT Library

A Guide for Individuals: Discrimination in the workplace

Unfortunately discrimination in the workplace has not been confined to the annals of history. If you are an employer or you find yourself subject to discrimination it is important to know your rights and how the law can offer protection. Discrimination...

Birkett Long and the LGBTQ+ community

Birkett Long’s involvement with the LGBTQ+ community is longstanding. Our first official sponsorship was around 13 years ago when the firm sponsored the now disbanded Essex Gay Men website. Since then we have forged links with OutHouse, Essex and...

Blended families - why it's important to have a will

In a recent study, the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) found that an increase in what are known as ‘blended families’ is leading to increased complexity in estate planning. Blended families are where there are children from...

Difficulties surrounding a child's name in blended families

In most heterosexual relationships, children still take their father’s surname at birth. That surname cannot be legally changed without the consent of both parents or a court order.  In unmarried families this can result in the child having a...

IHT nil rate bands

The recent Inheritance Tax (IHT) change which allows the transfer of ‘unused’ nil rate bands from spouse to spouse or from civil partner to civil partner has been generally welcomed, but it has caused some consternation as determining the...

Mental capacity and making a will

How is testamentary capacity, otherwise known as the legal and mental capacity to make or alter a will, tested? While it appeared that the debate about the correct test for testamentary capacity was settled following the judgment in Clitheroe v Bond [2021]...

Modern families and family law

The excitement and thrill of planning a new baby can - for some couples - turn to heartache as they experience difficulties in conceiving. If you are considering fertility treatment, donor conception or surrogacy, there are certain important legal aspects of...

Questions you should ask your children to encourage them to make a will

Parents want the best for their children and, in general, encourage them to plan ahead and think about the future. A part of that which, sadly, is often neglected, is making a will. You may have made a will yourself, but have you encouraged your children to...

Top 10 reasons to review your will

With spring around the corner, why not take the opportunity to do a spring clean and tidy away your copy of your will? Whilst you are there, it is a good idea to check through each clause in your will to see whether your personal circumstances have...

What is a Special Guardianship Order?

A Special Guardianship Order is an order made by the court appointing one or more individuals to be a child’s ‘special guardian’.  It is effectively an enhanced Child Arrangements Order as the child will be deemed to live with you...