Birkett Long and the LGBTQ+ community

Birkett Long’s involvement with the LGBTQ+ community is longstanding. Our first official sponsorship was around 13 years ago when the firm sponsored the now disbanded Essex Gay Men website. Since then we have forged links with OutHouse, Essex and Colchester Prides and Colchester Kings Rugby Club. We’re also building links with Basildon Pride.

It can be daunting for those in the community to access the services they need. It’s daunting enough for anyone to make that first call to a lawyer – often it’s at a time of distress or anxiety - so to have the added worry that you might have to face additional hostility can be intimidating.

Depending on what advice you’re looking for, the process might require you to reveal lots of personal information, which an individual might find quite difficult. You might be making a will, or going through a separation, and talking about such private things with a relative stranger can be anxiety inducing at the best of times without having to worry whether you’re in a safe inclusive space.

Birkett Long is a safe space

Birkett Long has enjoyed a long relationship with OutHouse, a wonderful charity based in Colchester that provides opportunities for LGBTQ+ people across Essex. Their mission is to develop and promote a sustainable, fair and equal society where all lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people can achieve their full potential.

We write a monthly column in their email newsletter, offering legal advice. We also support their programme of services, which includes counselling, social events and support groups, when we can through volunteers and via our social media channels.

Many of our staff have undertaken OutHouse’s fantastic Introduction to LGBTQ+ training. The training offers a comprehensive introduction to LGBTQ+ identities and language and we recommend other businesses consider offering it to their staff.

Birkett Long and Pride

We take great care to make sure our support of the LGBTQ+ community is year-round – it’s really important to us that we don’t just put a rainbow on our logo during Pride Month, but having said that…we do love Pride!

Currently, we attend Essex and Colchester Prides every year and really enjoy meeting everyone there. We’re lucky to have a prime position in the entrance tent at Essex Pride – our photo booth usually goes down a treat! We’ve also recently really loved attending Colchester Pride. The atmosphere at both events is really fun and our team has a great time talking to people about our services and how we support people in the LGBTQ+ community. We also sponsor Basildon Pride. 

Colchester Kings Rugby Club

All Hail The Kings! In June 2022 we began a hopefully long and beautiful friendship with Colchester Kings Rugby Club - East Anglia’s first gay and inclusive rugby team. Birkett Long helped promote the new team at Pride and was delighted to become the team’s kit sponsor. Many of the players haven’t picked up a rugby ball since school, or ever in fact, so we understand what an emotional experience it can be to put on those shirts.

But being a King is about so much more than the rugby, it’s being part of a supportive community on and off the pitch – something that Birkett Long understands more than anything. People and community are two of the golden threads that run through everything the firm does and motivate the decisions we make as a business.

‘Since the Colchester Kings formed in June 2022, the level of support we’ve received has been amazing. Birkett Long solicitors, and all of our other supporters, have been invaluable.’  Jon West, Colchester Kings RFC player

Our services for those in the LGBTQ+ community

As for the legal bit, in most cases, the law is the same for everyone, however, there are certain areas where those in the LGBTQ+ community need specialised advice. We also want to make sure everyone feels comfortable and understands they are welcome in our spaces.

In terms of legal services, we are a full service law firm, so we can help in most instances where you need advice either in business or at home. A selection of the types of things we can help with include:

·       Pre-nuptial/pre-civil partnership agreements

·       Divorce or separation, civil partnership dissolution

·       Parental rights/law relating to children

·       Gender recognition certificate – statutory declaration

·       Making a will and powers of attorney

·       Living together/cohabiting

·       Domestic abuse

·       Problems with employers

·       Legal advice for military service personnel

·       Commercial law

·       Commercial property

·       Intellectual property

·       Employment law

·       Construction

·       Agriculture

·       Education

·       Health & social care

·       Charity law


If you are going through the arduous gender recognition certification process, then we will help you with the statutory declaration free of charge, although we suggest you make a donation to our friends at the OutHouse instead.

We also offer some free resources - as a matter of course, we always make sure to include a LGBTQ+ topic in every season of our Wednesday Webinars, which run fortnightly, and there are plenty of articles and blogs on our website.

To find out more about what we offer, please visit our LGBTQ+ legal services page.

By Jennie Skingsley



The contents of this article are intended for general information purposes only and shall not be deemed to be, or constitute legal advice. We cannot accept responsibility for any loss as a result of acts or omissions taken in respect of this article.