Why you need a will, regardless of wealth

As a wills lawyer, I often hear people say that they do not own their home outright and so they think that they do not need to put in place a will. A common misconception is that you have to be extremely wealthy to put in place a will. No matter how large or small your assets are, it is always important to put in place a will which outlines who you would like to inherit your estate.

If you pass away without leaving a will, then this means that the rules of intestacy will follow, which are a strict set of rules which will determine who will inherit your estate. This could, therefore, mean that your partner, friends and charities receive nothing under your will. It is, therefore, important to seek professional legal advice so that they can advise you on how to fulfil your wishes under a will.

Securing your future

No matter your age, as long as you are over the age of 18, you can put in place a will, and you have something that you need to protect. Whether this be money in a bank account or personal possessions or if you own part of a house, you can list who you would like to inherit these assets.

With the current economic climate, the legacies you leave under your will could make a huge difference to a loved one when you pass away. They could use the funds to pay off a debt, put a deposit down on a house or go on a well-needed breakaway.

Flexible Consultations: Working around your busy schedule

At Birkett Long, we appreciate that everyone is extremely busy, and you may not be able to take the time out of your busy schedule to come to our offices for an initial will meeting. We offer both telephone and video call appointments; that way, you can speak with us during your lunch break at work or between the school pick-up, etc. We can work around your schedule so that you can take our advice and have peace of mind knowing that your loved ones are provided for.

Preparing for your will meeting

In order to plan for a meeting with a will specialist, all you need to do is bring a rough estimated value of your assets, such as values of your bank accounts, property, personal possessions and pensions. It is also a good idea to think about your family structure and whether there is anyone you would like to include as a beneficiary of your estate or if there is anyone you want to leave out. We need to be aware of all of your family dynamics so that we can advise you accordingly.

The popularity of eco-friendly funerals

People are looking for ways to make a funeral less harmful to the environment. You can choose a sustainable, biodegradable coffin material, such as willow, recycled paper, banana leaf, or bamboo, which is more sustainable than a traditional wooden casket. You can also choose to have your remains in a natural burial ground, such as a woodland. Often, they are not marked with a headstone but can be identified by planting a tree or plant as a marker instead.

At Birkett Long, we will discuss your preferences regarding a funeral, and you can include any wishes in your will.

If you would like to put in place a will, then please get in touch with one of our will specialists. You can contact me by completing the online questionnaire here or 01206 217609 or via email leah.woodlee@birkettlong.co.uk.

The contents of this article are intended for general information purposes only and shall not be deemed to be, or constitute legal advice. We cannot accept responsibility for any loss as a result of acts or omissions taken in respect of this article.