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Siblings not pulling their weight?

Many family businesses employ siblings or other family members. Working with siblings can be...

What happens if a director or shareholder loses capacity?

The vast majority of private limited companies incorporated and operating in England and Wales are...

Advice to company directors - know your legal duties

When it comes to running a company or being a company director, are you aware of your legal...

The Plastic Packaging Tax regulations

The Plastic Packaging Tax comes into effect on 1 April 2022.  The measures introduce...

The new International Data Transfer Agreement

The Information Commissioner’s Office has published the final form of its new International...

What happens to your business assets when getting divorced?

Family businesses can take decades, or even generations, to build successfully. But what happens...

Top 3 strategies your business should consider

As 2022 begins, what are the New Year's resolutions that you should be contemplating for your...

Employment law updates you need to know!

Start the new year off right, by making sure you are aware of following the employment law ...

Gifting land, is it that easy?

So, you’re fortunate enough to own some land, and you wish to gift parts to your children....

Demergers - an option to pass your business to your children

As a business owner, it can often be difficult to decide how best to hand over the running of the...

Managing conflict in family businesses

Directors are concerned with the running of a business day to day. Shareholders are owners of a...

Employment in a family owned business

Over the years I have come across all manner of employment issues in family owned...

Government response on sexual harassment in the workplace

The government has published its response to the 2019 consultation on sexual harassment in the...

Working from home - Flexible Working Application

Many employees will have been working from home during the Covid-19 pandemic and given the recent...

Buying a business - due diligence more important than ever

When buying a business, whether by way of an asset or share deal, the process of due diligence is...

Sustainable growth - doesn't have to cost the Earth!

No matter which sector your business is in, or where it is located, we are all coming under...

Are you a first-time commercial tenant?

Here at Birkett Long, we act for many different types of landlords and tenants. But, if this is...

Take care when declaring dividends

What is a dividend? A dividend is a distribution of a company’s post-tax profits to its...

Mastering business longevity beyond Brexit

Birkett Long can trace its roots back to 1821, celebrating its 200 th anniversary this year....

Manufactured goods - product marking after 1 January 2021

A conformity mark (or certification mark) on a manufactured product indicates the manufacturer has...

Protecting your business from bad debts

What is a bad debt? A bad debt occurs when a client owes money for a service or product provided...

Are GP premises leases "off-putting"?

A GP Partnership Review was published in 2019. The review found that GPs had considered the...

Growing your business: Is growth on your agenda?

Business leaders that have a plan for growth tend to be more optimistic about achieving their...

Planning your business exit

We all know that it is better to plan things in order to avoid ending up somewhere we didn’t...

E-commerce essentials

The number of online businesses is growing at an ever-increasing pace. This has led to a multitude...

Do you value your property?

  How does your business value its property assets in its balance sheet? Accounting...

"No Oral Modification" (NOM) clauses are binding

The Supreme Court recently decided that “No Oral Modification” clauses are binding,...

Crowdfunding - could it save the village pub?

Crowdfunding typically involves a large volume of small donations in exchange for something, such...

Partnership agreements - take the time to review yours!

A partnership agreement is an important document for all individuals conducting business together...

Brexit's affect on UK laws - business as usual!

Whilst the government has suffered the recent set back of loosing a court case requiring...

Bribery and corruption!

If your business deals with large organisations, local authorities, schools, hospitals, social...

Lawyer's warning over massive hike in court fees

Businesses in Basildon, Southend and the rest of south Essex that are planning legal action...

Dilapidations - tips for tenants when moving premises

The natural tendency when a business moves is to focus on the new premises.  However, when a...

What is an agent?

We often find that clients are confused about what constitutes an agent. Essentially, an agent is...

Colchester - a great place to buy commercial property

Colchester industrial property is proving a great long-term investment without the risk of the...

The rights of grandparents

As far as family law is concerned, under the Children Act 1989, grandparents are grouped into the...

"Wrongful trading" warning for company directors

Directors of limited companies are being warned that their personal assets could still be at risk...

Buying and selling your business

Confidence has returned and local businesses are proving to be prime targets for purchasers who...

EMI share option schemes update

As part of the 2013 Budget the Government has made the EMI (Enterprise Management Incentives)...

The Worm Turns: Maidment v Attwood

The shareholders in a company trust its directors to run the company properly and in their...

Employee or shareholder

The Coalition Government has taken to the idea of making us a nation that holds shares in our...

To keep or not to keep? That is the question!

Most commercial leases contain a clause requiring the tenant to return the property to the...

Tribunal time limits

Employment Tribunal rules state that claims for unfair dismissal must be brought within three...

When the going gets tough, the tough get restructuring

Tougher economic environments often see a greater amount of restructuring within businesses,...

Your business property. It does not have to cost the earth

David Rayner, partner from Birkett Long’s Commercial Property Team discusses the “big...

Do your non-compete clauses protect your franchise?

In the recent case of Francotyp-Postalia v Whitehead and others the High Court considered whether...

Assisting the regions SME power houses

It is an unquestionable fact that the revival of the UK economy will be dependent upon the success...

Lawyers have a lot on their plate!

Commercial property experts at Birkett Long LLP have just helped the largest restaurant in the UK...

Expanding your business with Birkett Long

Confidence is returning, albeit it slowly, but signs are that more businesses are considering...

Arbitration - is it a good choice?

Construction contract disputes can be resolved in many different ways, including negotiation,...

A fair valuation of partnership assets

Do you value your partnership and your respective share in the partnership assets? If so, you are...

Drain Doctor franchise

Birkett Long LLP acted for Craig and Pauline Wilson on the sale of their Drain Doctor franchise...

Snappy Snaps franchise

Birkett Long LLP acted for Jayne Kennedy on the sale of the franchise and related business of the...

The risks of commencing a contract before it is signed

Entering into and negotiating contracts can be a long and detailed process. Disagreements over...

Newspaper defeats libel claim using E-Commerce Regulations

In a recent case against regional newspaper publisher, Newsquest Media Group, the High Court...

The EMI employee share option scheme

Author: David Cammack The Enterprise Management Incentives (EMI) share option scheme, set up by...