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Bribery and corruption!

If your business deals with large organisations, local authorities, schools, hospitals, social...

Instruction not to speak Polish not race discrimination

Direct race discrimination occurs where, because of race, a person treats another person less...

The dangers of giving verbal references

When employers are asked for references most want to be open and honest, but a recent case shows...

Breach of contract time limits in the tribunal

In the civil courts a claim for breach of contract must be brought within 6 years of when the...

The importance of vacant possession in property transactions

Vacant possession is an important point to consider when developing land, acquiring it or when...

Forfeiture - update

Most leases, particularly commercial leases, will contain a clause that gives the landlord a right...

The pesky small print

A recent landmark ruling in Arnold v Britton & Ors (2015) has confirmed the old cliché...

"Loose" causation test in disability discrimination

Under the Equality Act, discrimination “arising from a disability” occurs when an...

The end of peaceful re-entry?

The right of forfeiture is a remedy currently available to a landlord when their tenant fails to...

Meet the Partners: Keith Songhurst

What type of work do you and your team do? I lead the South Essex dispute resolution team and...

Due diligence for development

To safeguard their investment, developers should before embarking on any acquisition of a...

Adjudication can get you paid

As everyone is now well aware, following the correct valuation process for payments due under a...

Small business outlook

Government ministers have had a couple of months to settle into their new seats and there are two...

"Lawyers are expensive" and "litigation costs a fortune"

As a dispute resolution lawyer I am all too aware that people are often deterred from instructing...

Introducing Justin Stock

Partner, Commercial Real Estate team, based...

Partnerships and stamp duty land tax

Transferring land from your partnership to individual partners might seem like a simple structural...

Key changes to CDM regulations

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM2015) came into effect on 6 April...
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