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The new International Data Transfer Agreement

The Information Commissioner’s Office has published the final form of its new International...

Spring clean your employment contracts and policies

Sometimes with the day to day running of a business it is easy to push aside...

What happens to your business assets when getting divorced?

Family businesses can take decades, or even generations, to build successfully. But what happens...

Top 3 strategies your business should consider

As 2022 begins, what are the New Year's resolutions that you should be contemplating for your...

Employment law updates you need to know!

Start the new year off right, by making sure you are aware of following the employment law ...

Gifting land, is it that easy?

So, you’re fortunate enough to own some land, and you wish to gift parts to your children....

Demergers - an option to pass your business to your children

As a business owner, it can often be difficult to decide how best to hand over the running of the...

Managing conflict in family businesses

Directors are concerned with the running of a business day to day. Shareholders are owners of a...

Employment in a family owned business

Over the years I have come across all manner of employment issues in family owned...

Health and safety law(s) in construction

Health and safety is an obvious concern across all industries. It’s of particular...

Health and safety offence sentencing guidelines

In the event the HSE elects to proceed with enforcement action by way of prosecution against the...

How to avoid common pitfalls in your construction project

The judgment Cartwright Pond Ltd v Wild [2021] EWHC 1600 (TCC)   highlights key issues...

Disputes between homeowners and building contractors

As an Associate Solicitor specialising in dispute resolution and construction law, I am often...

Does your contract cover prior works?

I was once asked to assist a client to draft the construction contracts for a number of projects...

Defending Adjudication: How to avoid common pitfalls?

Adjudication has been successful in overcoming problems previously associated with resolving...

Planning an exit from your healthcare business

Whether you operate your healthcare business as a sole trader, partnership, LLP or company there...

Do you have resident care home employees?

Some employees live at their place of work in connection with their employment. This can arise...

Government response on sexual harassment in the workplace

The government has published its response to the 2019 consultation on sexual harassment in the...

Working from home - Flexible Working Application

Many employees will have been working from home during the Covid-19 pandemic and given the recent...

Are you a first-time commercial tenant?

Here at Birkett Long, we act for many different types of landlords and tenants. But, if this is...
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