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Assisting the regions SME power houses

It is an unquestionable fact that the revival of the UK economy will be dependent upon the success...

Lawyers have a lot on their plate!

Commercial property experts at Birkett Long LLP have just helped the largest restaurant in the UK...

The cross-over of Employment Law in partnerships

Equity partners (including members of LLPs) do not qualify for many employment protection rights...

Inheritance Tax, the implications for business transactions

A recent professional negligence case involving law firm Mills & Reeve has highlighted the...

Self dismissal does not exist

Sometimes employers will write to employees who have been absent for a period of time, usually...

Sick leave - second job - unfair dismissal

Employers may be disgruntled to find an employee who is on sick leave and is claiming sick pay...

Expanding your business with Birkett Long

Confidence is returning, albeit it slowly, but signs are that more businesses are considering...

Corporate manslaughter

The Corporate Manslaughter & Corporate Homicide Act 2007 came into force on 6 April...

Arbitration - is it a good choice?

Construction contract disputes can be resolved in many different ways, including negotiation,...

Thousands of gym contracts ruled unfair in OFT case

The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has confirmed its ability to enforce fairness for consumers. A...

Caught for fraudulent trading

Liquidators seeking to bring a claim under s.213 Insolvency Act 1986 (fraudulent trading) must be...

Contractual bonus clauses

Often clients will ask when terminating an employee’s contract of employment what payments...

Protection from harassment

The law offers individuals protection from harassment. Harassment is defined as a person pursuing...

Ignorance of the law is no excuse

The law states that if an employee wishes to make a claim for unfair dismissal they must to do so...

Immigration update

There have been several recent changes to immigration legislation. The major issues are as...

The balance sheet test

When is a company insolvent? The Insolvency Act 1986 sets out a number of tests including the...

The Bribery Act - what's it worth...?

In some countries it is almost impossible to do business without becoming embroiled in bribery of...

GP premises - a battleground for disputes

Not only are GP practices involved in an increased number of disputes with their PCTs regarding...
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