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Meet the partners - Philip Hoddell

Can you explain a little about your role at Birkett Long? I am one of Birkett Long’s...

Who is contracting with whom?

Knowing who you are contracting with should be simple.  However, on many occasions the...

Is it proper to suspend employees?

  The media has recently given extensive coverage to a story regarding an employee who...

Vicarious liability - employers beware!

Developments in the field of vicarious liability have resulted in a broadening of the definition...

Chancel repair liability - are you liable?

Since the case of Aston Cantlow PCC v Wallbank, there has been significant concern about...

Criminal convictions - what can an employer ask?

Employers or other organisations used to be free to ask a job applicant, employee, worker or...

Who is the contracting party?

Often, it can be difficult to identify contracting parties.  For example, when negotiating...

Sickness absence and reasonable adjustments

It is well known that employers have an obligation to make reasonable adjustments for disabled...

Struck out because of failure to pursue claim

A claim which has not been actively pursued or is considered to not have a chance of a fair...

Workplace pensions auto enrolment

Over the next few years all employers will have to auto-enrol all “eligible” workers...

EMI share option schemes update

As part of the 2013 Budget the Government has made the EMI (Enterprise Management Incentives)...

Break clauses in healthcare leases - avoid the traps

Many present day healthcare leases contain a “break clause” which gives the tenant the...

Have you made an overpayment of wages to an employee?

If an employer overpays an employee can he always recover that overpayment? The Employment Rights...

The Worm Turns: Maidment v Attwood

The shareholders in a company trust its directors to run the company properly and in their...

Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations 2013

21 February 2013 saw the Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations 2013...

When is a subsidiary not a separate legal entity?

A parent company can become liable for its subsidiary and the “corporate veil”, which...

Sickness pay and a second job

Employers may be disgruntled to find an employee who is on sick leave and is claiming sick pay...

Are you getting your retention money?

Many construction contracts contain retention clauses but it is not always easy to recover the...
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