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The Importance of Managing Deadlines and Preventing Stress

I am often approached by new and existing clients who have a range of tight deadlines and...

Piercing the Corporate Veil: Legal Protections

In English law, the ‘corporate veil’ is an important principle and is the notion that...

Intellectual Property: The Role of Watching Services

One of the main purposes of obtaining intellectual property rights is to establish a monopoly...

A guide to commercial leases for tenants

A lease is a legally binding agreement between you and your landlord for you to occupy their...

Demystifying Small Print: Boilerplate clauses explained

Do you breeze through contracts with a mere glance before signing on the dotted line? If so, you...

Artificial Intelligence - the key to successful business?

Artificial Intelligence is trending worldwide, with many governments (including the UK...

Thinking about buying a business?

If you’re looking to acquire a business, there are of course many things to consider. You...

Growing business? Consider investing in bigger premises

Physical expansion is sometimes necessary in business in order to operate efficiently and...

Option agreements for landowners and developers

With the ever increasing demand for property,  landowners are considering selling some of,...

Can you vape and drive?

Tell someone with a motoring law background that the theme for an article is “ smoke and...

Directors disqualification following conviction

Director’s Disqualification – The Criminal Law Regime Separate identity of Company ...

Change - how your business can maximise new opportunities

As 2022 becomes a distant memory, it is probably wise to consider what your key aims, and...

Failing to provide a specimen - drink driving

The Road Traffic Act 1988 gives the police authority to request a preliminary breath test (Section...
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