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Inheritance Tax

Inheritance Tax: Lessons from Clarkson's Farm

Samuel Flower
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Love him or hate him, Jeremy Clarkson and his Amazon Prime show Clarkson’s Farm have certainly brought mainstream attention to farming and its community, the red tape of the planning system, and the challenges of diversification. His...

Love Thy Brother: Siblings and inheritance tax

Claire Read
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Do you love your sister, brother, and half-siblings enough to live with them and pass your estate to them?  If so, then a new Bill is being proposed that may help you delay inheritance tax and plan to save inheritance tax.  With the family...

No one likes paying the tax man

Karen Johnson
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Benjamin Franklin once said “in this world nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes” and whilst this is true, it would also be fair to say that nobody likes to pay the tax man. Within the realms of family law issues, divorce and...

Leaving a gift to a charity in your will

Leah Woodlee
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Businessman, Hamish Ogston, has recently announced that he is leaving his £130m fortune to various charities and will not be leaving anything to his children. Parents are often referred to as “the bank of mum and dad” but for Hamish it is...