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Family & Relationships

Litigation Misconduct: Costs in family cases

Melanie Loxley
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There is a general rule in family law that each party bears their own costs.  As with most rules however, there are exceptions! One such exception is litigation misconduct. If it is found by the court that a party has been guilty of litigation...

2021 domestic abuse update

Karen Johnson
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2021 has seen the government continue to make significant changes within the legal landscape involving family law and particularly domestic abuse.  To date, domestic abuse has been largely treated in a piecemeal fashion which, at least in part,...

Cohabiting couples - have you thought about the future?

Shelley Cumbers
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The number of couples choosing to cohabit is growing faster than the number of marriages.  Over the coming weeks, many couples may wish to take advantage of the recent extension to the stamp duty holiday by pooling their financial resources to ...

Is it possible for someone to lose parental responsibility?

Karen Johnson
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Parental Responsibility is the term used to describe the responsibilities that a person may have in relation to a child and securing that child’s welfare. It covers the right to make decisions about: medical care,  religion,  education...

Domestic abuse in the family court - the year for change?

Katherine Parker
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Just over two decades ago the Court of Appeal was asked to give guidance on the approach to domestic abuse in child contact cases and Practice Direction 12J was born. It details the approach of the court in cases where there is alleged or admitted domestic...

How long are parents expected to support their children?

Karen Johnson
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English law recognises the rights and responsibilities of parents towards their children by way of something called parental responsibility.  This is what allows parents to make important decisions regarding their children.  It is something which...

Prison sentence for child maintenance deceit

Philip Hoddell
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A man has been sentenced to 18 months in prison for falsifying a DNA test in an attempt to avoid paying child maintenance for his two children.  Despite being present at the birth of the children, who have two different mums, Steven Dixon denied he was...

A guide to prenuptial agreements

Katherine Parker
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What is a prenup? A prenup is short for a ‘prenuptial agreement’. It is a contractual document providing financial clarity for a couple who are about to marry or enter into civil partnership.  A prenup sets out what should happen in the...

Divorce, pension sharing and the Jersey courts

Philip Hoddell
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A recent High Court case shows how important it is to consider what the courts of different jurisdictions can do when a couple divorces.  The background details to this case is that after a long marriage, the husband left the family home in Berkshire...

No such thing as common law marriage

Katherine Parker
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Boris Johnson and Carrie Symonds are the first unmarried couple to live at No.10 Downing Street. However, this does not come as a surprise as there is a steady increase in the number of cohabiting couples in the UK. According to a recent study conducted by...

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