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Family & Relationships

Determining paternity during pregnancy

Francesca Cozens
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When I started out in practice, many moons ago, if I saw a client, mother or potential father and clarity was needed over the paternity of an unborn child, there was no real safe option to determine the issue until after the baby had been born.  ...

The principle of parental preference and school placements

Kimberley Hircock
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On 20 April 2022 the Upper- Tier Tribunal for Special Educational Needs and Disability confirmed in London Borough of Croydon v K.A. [2022] UKUT 106 (AAC), the importance of having a broader and more holistic approach to the application of Section 9 of the...

Children and Families Act 2014 and the Equality Act 2010

Kimberley Hircock
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On 11 May 2022 the Upper-Tier Tribunal for Special Educational Needs and Disability confirmed in RB v Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council (SEN) [2022] UKUT 136 (AAC) that there is a distinction between matters brought under the Children and Families Act...

How do I legally change my name?

Claudia Hubert
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You may be looking to change your name for a number of reasons, such as after divorce, gender reassignment or simply where you would prefer to be known by a different name.   What is a “Change of Name Deed”? The most commonly used...

Domestic abuse - truth and lies

Karen Johnson
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As a family solicitor specialising in cases involving domestic abuse, the current trial taking place in America between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard is something that interests me greatly. It is not itself a family law case, as Johnny is suing Amber for $50...

Will no-fault divorce affect my financial settlement?

Shelley Cumbers
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From 6th April 2022, it will be possible to obtain a no fault divorce, marking one of the most significant changes in divorce law this country has seen in the last 50 years. The change in the law has been long-awaited and will end the blame game for...

Are you your child's legal parent?

Farrah  Harvey-Nawaz
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What does it mean to be a legal parent? In England & Wales, being a legal parent means that you have financial responsibility for your child and will be considered as a parent for the purposes of British nationality, inheritance, and pension rights....

Nesting and child arrangements

Karen Johnson
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The term “Nesting Arrangement” refers to an arrangement whereby the children remain in one property (generally the family home) and the parents take turns living in the property and looking after the children. A recent case In a recent case of...

The impact of contested court proceedings on children

Shelley Cumbers
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The Nuffield Family Justice Observatory (NFJO) has recently published a research paper outlining children’s experience in contested private law court disputes. These are court proceedings between separated parents regarding the child arrangements,...

Beware the Bank of Mum and Dad: Following divorce

Melanie Loxley
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As a family lawyer, I see many cases where one of the parties have received a significant sum of money from their parents; often when buying a home.  Unlike a mortgage however, money that comes from “The Bank of Mum and Dad” is not...

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