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Family & Relationships

What is a barring order?

Dorjan Myrtja
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A Section 91(14) Order or otherwise referred to as a “barring order” allows the court, in children's applications, to bar or restrict a further application being made without permission of the court. How will a barring order help me and...

Top tips when choosing your family solicitor

Karen Johnson
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Relationship breakdown represents an exceptionally difficult time in a person's life. Whether the decision to separate is made jointly or by one of the couple, the ramifications of such a decision can have huge consequences on almost every aspect of...

Do I need permission to move my child out of England & Wales?

Katherine Parker
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Whether you are divorced or separated, going through a relationship break-up can leave you searching for a fresh start. For some that involves a house move and for others it can involve moving to another country altogether. This can cause problems if the...

Minimum age for marriage/ civil partnership increases to 18

Karen Johnson
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On 28 April 2022, the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act 2022 received royal assent and will come into force on 27 February 2023 . The effect of the act will be to raise the minimum age for someone to get married or enter into a civil...

Separate parenting children with SEN - Communication

Karen Johnson
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I recently had the pleasure of presenting a Wednesday Webinar on the topic of SEND Parents and Divorce – What you need to know . As a parent of a child with SEN, I would like to consider that I have a deeper understanding of the additional...

Open court, open justice?

Dorjan Myrtja
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Generally, family court cases are held in private. That said, the press and other accredited reporting organisations still attend family law court hearings unless there are certain circumstances where the court specifically orders their...

Will you marry me? Valentine's Day proposals and prenups

Shelley Cumbers
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Roses are red Violets are blue Will you marry me, provided we have a prenup too? February is the month of love and often considered one of the most romantic months of the year as couples celebrate Valentine’s Day. Whilst many couples will...

Surrogacy Law: What is classed as an enduring family relationship?

Katherine Parker
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Surrogacy in the UK is fast becoming a popular option for those wishing to start or extend their family.  We understand it can be an exciting but challenging time for families and we aim to make the process as smooth and straightforward as...

Family Mediation Week 2023

Melanie Loxley
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Welcome to Family Mediation Week!  The idea behind this week is to raise awareness of what mediation is and the benefits of using mediation to resolve family issues. Mediation can help with almost every issue a family may face on separation; from...

Unmarried couples - no change to the law on finance

Philip Hoddell
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It has been 15 years since an influential body of research lawyers recommended changes to the law affecting finances on the separation of unmarried couples.   My colleague, Karen Johnson, produced a blog on this in September The rights of...

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