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Family & Relationships

Marriage and Civil Partnerships: The Legal Differences

Claudia Hubert
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If you are considering taking the next step in your relationship and committing to a legally binding partnership, it is important to be aware of the options available to you for either getting married or entering into a civil partnership. Marriage is a...

Family Court Fees set to Increase

Karen Johnson
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In November 2023, the government published a consultation proposing a 10% increase in over 200 different court fees, which would have seen a potential additional revenue for the Ministry of Justice of £42 million. The increase was sought to keep pace...

New Family Laws Prioritise Non-Court Dispute Resolution

Katherine Parker
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Many people will turn to court proceedings to try to resolve their family law disputes. However, there are numerous other ways in which family law disputes can be resolved (e.g. mediation, arbitration or collaborative law), referred to as NCDR. The Family...

Settling Family Disputes: Repercussions in Court

Melanie Loxley
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Family disputes can arise in many different circumstances and can involve a wide range of issues - from those concerning financial matters to those involving children, as well as a myriad of issues in between Financial disputes Many of the disputes...

Settling Family Disputes: Solicitor assisted shuttle mediation

Dorjan Myrtja
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Shuttle mediation is where a third party, known as the mediator, assists the parties in negotiating a dispute. It differs from the traditional form of mediation as, unlike normal mediation, in shuttle mediation, the mediator moves from one room to another....

Settling Family Disputes: Solicitor supported mediation

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Considering the ongoing and significant delays being experienced in the Family Court and the added expense of engaging in contested proceedings to deal with the financial and children issues arising from a separation or divorce, families should be...

Family Disputes: When the other side is unprepared

Lisa Collins
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You have taken the initial step to seek legal advice from a solicitor in relation to a family dispute, but what happens next? The following steps will depend on your circumstances. At Birkett Long, we discuss the various options available to our clients,...

Is this the end of 'divorce tourism'?

Philip Hoddell
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In this blog, I take a look at what has become known as ‘divorce tourism’ – the practice of trying to establish a connection with the UK in order to use its divorce courts. I also look at whether a recent case in the Supreme Court may have...

Retirees and Family Law: Grandchildren

Karen Johnson
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Whether you are a Nanny, Nanna or Grandma, or a Grandad or Gramps, grandchildren will often hold a special place in the hearts of their grandparents. Those grandparents will often play an integral role in the family as one of the adults often called upon to...

Retirees and Family Law: later life love and pre-nups

Dorjan Myrtja
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To my dearest Valentine Roses are red Violets are blue I want a pre-nup Please say, “I do.” In today’s modern-day, and dare I say “age”; not every marriage is for life. The same could be said about a...

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