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New Year, New Beginnings: Divorce and family law

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New year, new beginnings: divorce and family law

With every new year comes new opportunities and the chance to make a fresh start. This can involve setting a series of new year’s resolutions or planning new adventures for the year ahead and beyond. For many this may include exercising more, losing weight, saving more money (or indeed spending less) or learning a new hobby or skill.

For others, the start of a new year may involve taking that first step towards a new life as part of a separation or divorce. If that is the case, then our experienced team of divorce and separation lawyers at Birkett Long is here to help. Please get in contact to see how we can assist you.

No fault divorce

2022 is set to be the year when the long-awaited no fault divorce law is finally introduced. This significant change in the law will enable couples to divorce without the need to apportion any blame on either side for the breakdown of the marriage. There will also be no need to show that you have been separated for a period of time before making the divorce application. Instead, a simple statement that the marriage has irretrievably broken down beyond repair will suffice. 

However, the divorce itself is only a small part of the jigsaw and if you are contemplating a divorce or separation in the new year, you should obtain specialist family law advice first to ensure you understand your position so far as the related financial and children matters are concerned. 

There are likely to be many issues you will need to consider, and our specialist team of family lawyers can advise you on all aspects of your divorce or separation to help you get the best result for you and your family as you start a new chapter in your lives. 

Marriage or moving in together

For others, 2022 may be the year of marriage or moving in together and if that is the case, then there will be lots of exciting plans to make and things to organise. If you are planning on getting married this year, you may wish to consider entering into a pre-nuptial agreement with your soon-to-be husband or wife. If so, it is best to get advice as early as possible before the wedding so that appropriate plans can be made in good time. 

If you are planning on moving in with your partner or purchasing a home together, there will be lots to think about. Most importantly, you should ensure that the right documentation is drawn up to protect property interests, contributions and payments to be made both in respect of the purchase price and household costs. We can advise and assist you with this, including the preparation of a cohabitation agreement and, if necessary, a declaration of trust to accurately record the agreed living together arrangements and ownership of the property.

Speak to a family lawyer 

If you, or someone you know, needs legal advice in the new year on any of these issues, please get in touch. Our team of divorce and family lawyers are specialists and have the experience and skill required to ensure you achieve the best outcome. We offer a free initial 15 minute chat to discuss these types of issues and to explain how we can help so please do not hesitate to contact us. I can be contacted via or on0330 818 3243.

The contents of this blog are intended for general information purposes only and shall not be deemed to be, or constitute legal advice. We cannot accept responsibility for any loss as a result of acts or omissions taken in respect of this blog.
